Saturday, August 5, 2017

The One where I had technical difficulties and my mom had to send my email... 8/1/2017

Hello everyone, 

Oh Mensch! What a week! 

To start last week off, we wore coats, tights, and wool socks because it was absolutely freezing. The last two days though, the second we walk outside the door we are drenched with sweat and just melt. I feel like I'm in Utah again. 

We have had appointments every day this week and it's been a little crazy! On Wednesday we had a member appointment with the zone leaders Elder Peterson and Elder Jensen. The member hates cooking, so his plan was for all the missionaries to cook, in the end I made the whole meal. But they pretended for a picture. I made some stellar salmon pasta, and then Michael (the member) dished me up more than every one else and I nearly died from too much food. Good times. 
Thursday we were with the Arnold family again (my goodness I love them, they are such good people and Camille reminds me of my nieces and I just love them.) We heart attacked a less active with the Arnold's and the elders after dinner and that was pretty exciting! 
Friday we had an appointment fall out and we were finally able to have some finding time! We haven't gone finding like the whole time I've been in Munich, so my German got a little rusty but we had a great time and talked to some interesting people!
On Sunday we had an awesome lesson with Yanira. She is from Colombia and is here as a nanny. She doesn't speak very much German so we had some members from Ecuador translate for us. She soaked up the whole restoration and had so many questions. She said she's already prayed to know if our church was true before she even met with us. She's so sweet and although we have a language barrier and she doesn't understand everything, she sees coming to church as her way to find peace. Which, is exactly what the church should do. 
Today we went to Neuscchwanstein with the sisters in our zone. It was way fun, although I wouldn't recommend hiking in proselyting clothes, or when it's a thousand degrees and humid. But it was a way good day, lost all of the weight I've gained on my mission in sweat. Jokes, it's still there. We had a few miracles today, for which I am so so grateful because it's the little things that just make your heart want to explode with gratitude, so buckle up, here comes some stories!

While we were hiking back down and we were all dripping in sweat, a lady hiking up said to the 6 of us,  "hello do you have any materials on you?" As very prepared missionaries we all had pamphlets on us, but only one of the sisters had pamphlets in English. The lady apparently studies religions and her main focus has been Mormonism so she has read all of the standard works. But her main main focus is the Mormon fundamentalists. Anyway, she was way cool and took every pamphlet we had and we had a nice chat. It's not every day that you meet people in Europe who even know who or what Mormons are, or who know that the church of Jesus Christ is also the Mormon church, but yet, there was one.
Next, on the bus ride down this very friendly guy started talking to Sister McAllister and I, and asked if we were Mormon missionaries. He is from Mexico, but met elders while he was in France, and then he met us! He has such a good impression of us and turns out he has done some research and there's an LDS church just down the street from his house! Bam, another miracle. 
Then, the same guy introduced us to all of his friends, and one of them is from Sydney Australia, so naturally I told her I had a friend who was on a mission there, just like us (thanks dixon for serving, it was a great way to get her to talk to us), and she was so interested to find out more! She was so intrigued that we have missionaries all over the world with the same purpose! 

So we've been running everywhere and have been just 110% exhausted but 700% loving it. I'm just so grateful to have such a wonderful opportunity to serve the Lord and give back a little! 

Thomas S Monson once said in a devotional, "work will win, when wishy washy wishing won't." Could there be a truer statement? One thing I've definitely learned as a missionary, is that wishing or just dreaming about things gets you absolutely no where. BUT, hard work, dedication, determination, and obedience gets you everywhere! Now I'm not saying I'm 100% those things all or the time, because I'm not perfect, but when I do my best to have all of those qualities there's a difference in the work. I love this work, even though it's really hard and sometimes my brain is on the brink or explosion, it's the best thing I've ever done for my life. The gospel is true folks!

Love you all, hope all is well! 

♡/ Sister Lundskog 

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