Starting tomorrow I will only have one companion (Sister Peterson is coming to me tomorrow), one area (Stuttgart), and one ward (Stuttgart German). Sister Udy will be going to Wien (ahh what a dream, my baby area 
) and Sister Smith will be going back to the American ward and getting a new companion. They will both be becoming senior companions and it will be fun to see them grow as they take this new challenge on. I am excited to work with Sister Peterson! Our President must trust us a lot because we have a lot of work to do in the next few weeks... but it'll be a blast. 
This last week was crazy but so good! We went on exchanges with the sisters from Tübingen and the sisters from Waiblingen. I was able to serve with Sister Miller from my MTC group, it was so fun to serve with her and see how much we've grown. We were able to meet with Hannah again, and she has progressed so much! She's started praying and also reads in the book of Mormon everyday. She messages us almost everyday just telling us how much hope she's receiving and gaining the more she learns. It makes my heart so happy every time. 

We also got to Tausch with Sister Dautel and we helped clean up the Cieslaks home before they moved. It was a lot of work, but oh so fun. That family has helped and blessed us so much it was nice to be able to help in return.
We read a very powerful talk as a district this week, I recommend it 10/10. "The Purifying Power of Gethsemane" by Bruce R. McConkie. It was given in April 1985. The Atonement of Jesus Christ is such a basic principle of the gospel, and yet it is very misunderstood or not fully understood. Elder McConkie lays it out clearly, simplifying the beautiful and powerful truths. It's a beautiful talk and it definitely will bring you closer to your Savior and make His Atonement personal if you read it.
Anywho, I'm out of time.. so. Have a great week and enjoy the pictures
Liebe Grüße,
Sister Lundskog
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